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UNITN  International Conference on Service Oriented Computing  Accepted papers

UNITN - International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
Accepted papers
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Technical Session 1: Service Description
Chair: Massimo Mecella, University of Rome, Italy

Phillipa Oaks, Arthur H.M. ter Hofstede and David Edmond
Capabilities: describing what services do
Presentation given at the conference

Esperanza Marcos, Valeria de Castro, Belén Vela
Representing Web Services with UML: A Case Study
Presentation given at the conference

Paolo Avesani and Alessandro Agostini
A P2P Advertising Game
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 2: Service Composition
Chair: Colette Rolland, Univ. Paris, France

Daniela Berardi, Diego Calvanese, De Giacomo Giuseppe, Maurizio Lenzerini, Massimo Mecella
Automatic Composition of e-Services that Export their Behavior
Presentation given at the conference

Ioannis Fikouras, Eugen Freiter
Service Discovery and Orchestration for Distributed Service Repositories
Presentation given at the conference

Bart Orriens, Jian Yang, and Mike Papazoglou
Model Driven Service Composition
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 3: Quality of Service Models
Chair: Willem-Jan van den Heuvel, Tilburg Univ, Netherlands

Octavio Martín-Díaz, Antonio Ruiz-Cortés, Amador Durán, David Benavides, Miguel Toro
Automating the Procurement of Web Services
Presentation given at the conference

Vikas Deora, J. Shao, W. Alex Gray, Nick J. Fiddian
A Quality of Service Management Framework Based on User Expectations

Andrea Maurino, Stefano Modafferi, Barbara Pernici
Reflective architectures for adaptive information systems
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 4: Service Personalization
Chair: Boualem Benatallah, UNSW, Australia

Syed Sibte Raza Abidi, Yong Han Chong
E-Healthcare via Customized Information Services: Addressing the Need for Factually Consistent Information

Richard Hull, Bharat Kumar, Daniel Lieuwen, Peter F. Patel-Schneider, Arnaud Sahuguet, Sriram Varadarajan, and Avinash Vyas
"Everything Personal, Not Just Business" - Improving User Experience Through Rule-based Service Customization
Presentation given at the conference

Yanbo Han, Hui Geng, Houfu Li, Jinhua Xiong, Gang Li, Bernhard Holtkamp, Rüdiger Gartmann, Roland Wagner, Norbert Weissenberg
VINCA - A Visual and Personalized Business-level Composition Language for Chaining Web-based Service
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 5: Service Semantics
Chair: Fabio Casati, HP Labs, Palo Alto, USA

Michael Klein, Birgitta König-Ries, Philipp Obreiter
Stepwise Refinable Service Descriptions: Adapting DAML-S to Staged Service Trading
Presentation given at the conference

Yiqiao Wang and Eleni Stroulia
Semantic Structure Matching for Assessing Web-Service Similarity
Presentation given at the conference

Takahiro Kawamura, Jacques-Albert De Blasio, Tetsuo Hasegawa, Massimo Paolucci, and Katia Sycara
Preliminary Report of Public Experiment of Semantic Service Matchmaker with UDDI Business Registry
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 6: Business Processes and Transactions
Chair: Stefan Tai, IBM TJ Watson Research Center, USA

Martin Bernauer, Gerti Kappel, Gerhard Kramler
Comparing WSDL-based and ebXML-based Approaches for B2B Protocol Specification
Presentation given at the conference

Giacomo Piccinelli, Wolfgang Emmerich, Scott Lane Williams, and Mary Stearns
A Model-Driven Architecture for Electronic Service Management Systems
Presentation given at the conference

Frank Leymann and Kai Guentzel
The Business Grid - Providing Transactional Business Processes via Grid Services
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 7: Business Collaborations
Chair: Roel Wieringa, Twente Univ., Netherlands

P. Alvarez, J.A. Banares, and P.R. Muro-Medrano
An architectural Pattern to Extend the Interaction Model between Web-services - The Location-based Service Context
Presentation given at the conference

Henner Gimpel, Heiko Ludwig, Asit Dan and Bob Kearney
PANDA: Specifying Policies for Automated Negotiations of Service Contracts
Presentation given at the conference

Ellis Solaiman, Carlos Molina-Jimenez, and Santosh Shrivastava
Model Checking Correctness Properties of Electronic Contracts
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 8: Service Request and Coordination
Chair: Paolo Traverso, ITC-IRST, Italy

Mohammad Salman Akram, Brahim Medjiahed, Athman Bouguettaya
Supporting Dynamic Changes in Web Services Environments
Presentation given at the conference

Alexander Lazovik, Marco Aiello, and Mike Papazoglou
Planning and monitoring the execution of web service requests
Presentation given at the conference

Garret Swart
WS-Workspace: Workspace Versioning for Web Services
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 9: Service Security and Reliability
Chair: Fabio Massacci, Univ. of Trento, Italy

Radu Handorean and Gruia-Catalin Roman
Secure Service Provision in Ad Hoc Networks
Presentation given at the conference

Kurt Geihs, Robert Kalcklosch, and Andreas Grode
Single Sign-On in Service-Oriented Computing
Presentation given at the conference

Werner Vogels
Tracking service availability in long running business activities
Technical Session 10: Infrastructure for Service Delivery
Chair: Bernd Kramer, Univ. of Hagen, Germany

K. H. Bennett, N.E. Gold, P.J. Layzell, F. Zhu, O.P. Brereton, D.Budgen, J. Keane, I. Kotsiopoulos, M. Turner, J. Xu, O. Almilaji, J.C. Chen, and A. Owrak
A broker architecture for integrating data using a web services environment
Presentation given at the conference

Yoo-Jin Moon, Kijoon Choi, Kyongho Min, Wan Pyong Kim, Youngho Hwang, Pankoo Kim and Youngse Mun
Design and Implementation of the Multilingual Product Retrieval Agent through XML and the Semantic Networks in EC
Presentation given at the conference

Tomoko Itao, Satoshi Tanaka, and Tatsuya Suda
SpaceGlue: Linking Spaces for Adaptive and Situational Service Location
Technical Session 11: Service P2P and Grid Computing
Chair: Giacomo Piccinelli, Univ. College London, UK

Asif Akram and Omer Rana
Organizing Service-Oriented Peer Collaborations
Presentation given at the conference

M. Nedim Alpdemir, Arijit Mukherjee, Norman W. Paton, Paul Watson, Alvaro A.A. Fernandes, Anastasios Gounaris, and Jim Smith
Service-Based Distributed Querying on the Grid
Presentation given at the conference

Christoph Schuler, Roger Weber, Heiko Schuldt, and Hans-J. Schek
Peer-to-Peer Process Execution with OSIRIS
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 12: Service and Mobile Computing
Chair: Maurizio Marchese, Univ. Trento, Italy

Sang-Min Park, Young-Bae Ko, and Jai-Hoon Kim
Disconnected Operation Service in Mobile Grid Computing
Presentation given at the conference

Tae-Kyung Kim, Dong-Young Lee, Ok-Hwan Byeon, and T. M. Chung
A Policy Propagation Model using Mobile Agents in Large-scale Distributed Network Environments
Presentation given at the conference

Ichiro Satoh
Location-based Services in Ubiquitous Computing Environments
Presentation given at the conference
Technical Session 13: Service Computing and Applications
Chair: Jian Yang, Tilburg Univ, Netherlands

Jaideep Chandrashekar, Zhi-Li Zhang, Zhenhai Duan, and Y. Thomas Hou
Service Oriented Internet

Seng Loke
Service-Oriented Device Ecology Workflows

