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UNITN  International Conference on Service Oriented Computing  Doctoral consortium  Doctoral consortium Information

UNITN - International Conference on Service Oriented Computing
Doctoral consortium Information
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ICSOC03 Doctoral Consortium
The ICSOC03 Doctoral Consortium provides an opportunity for doctoral students interested in the field of serviceoriented computing to share their research work with other students and senior researchers in the field. We hope the Doctoral Consortium will be a valuable and exciting experience.

The Consortium has the following specific objectives:
• provide a supportive setting for mutual feedback on participants' current research and guidance on future directions;
• develop a supportive community of scholars and a spirit of collaborative research;
• promote network among PhD students working in the area;
• contribute to the conference goals through interaction with other researchers.

The Consortium will be held on during the conference as a co-located event, in the form of an informal panel discussion consisting of students' presentation on their research interests. Each presentation will be followed by a discussion in which all participants are encouraged to participate. Presentations are supposed to take 20 minutes each.

We encourage submissions from Ph.D. students at any level, and from any topic area and methodology within service-oriented computing. The submission should consists of:
• research proposal of the student’s thesis at maximum 5 pages;
• letter of recommendation from student’s dissertation advisor that should include the expected date for thesis submission, and the motivation/expected benefit for the student to attend the Doctoral Consortium.
The selection criteria for the consortium are the quality of the proposal and the relevance to the conference.
Participants will have their abstracts published in a separate volume of the consortium proceedings, published as a Technical Report of DIT - University of Trento (http://dit.unitn.it/), and distributed to all the conference participants.

Important dates
Submission of proposals: November 17, 2003
Acceptance notification: December 1, 2003
Conference: December 15-18, 2003

Doctoral Consortium Chairs
Alexander Lazovik, University of Trento, ITC IRST
Alexei Bolotin, University of Trento
Xia Wang, FernUniversitaet Hagen

Email: icsoc03phd@dit.unitn.it e-mail

